ARIDOD Tech Serve Limited is one of the leading consulting firms of Bangladesh and is a proud development partner providing appropriate and sustainable solutions in infrastructure development, project management, training and strengthening of institutional capabilities.We are working as local partners for foreign investors in Water and Energy sectors in Bangladesh. We work with financial institutions, investors and donors for better understanding of local energy sector, including its technologies and business models. The company maintains quality management system standard.

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on the Water and Environment Sector

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ARIDOD TECH SERVE LTD provides engineering and management consultancy services in a wide range of engineering fields. ARIDOD TECH SERVE LTD designs and manages major projects…


ARIDOD TECH SERVE LTD’s another core business is GRP & GEOTECHNICAL SURVEY. ARIDOD TECH SERVE LTD is doing this kind of work very successfully. We have met our client…


ARIDOD TECH SERVE LTD provides Design and Planning services in a wide range of engineering fields. It includes Structural Designing, Architectural Designing, Infrastructural Designing


ARIDOD TECH SERVE LTD’s another core business is GRP & GEOTECHNICAL SURVEY. ARIDOD TECH SERVE LTD is doing this kind of work very successfully. We have met our client…


ARIDOD TECH SERVE LTD specializes in providing true “End to End” logistics solutions. We utilize our companies assets (fleet of trucks, warehousing, technology) and our non-asset…


ARIDOD TECH SERVE LTD also doing importing business and we are importing ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL Equipments. We supply our imported equipments on many projects. ARIDOD TECH SERVE LTD provide full quality products for projects…


Terminal 3

Terminal 3 project details ABOUT PROJECT The addition of the third terminal will introduce an extra 230,000 square meters of space, featuring 115 check-in counters, 64 departure and 64 arrival immigration desks, enhanced security measures including 27 baggage scanning machines, 40 scanning machines, 12 boarding bridges, 16 carousels, and 11 body scanners. Share: FacebookTwitterGoogle+

Construction of Raw Water Pipeline under Design-build contract for Intake, Raw Water Pipeline and Water Treatment Plant at Gandharbpur

Raw Water Pipeline Project OverviewProject name  : Construction of Raw Water Pipeline under Design-build contract for Intake, Raw Water Pipeline and Water Treatment Plant at Gandharbpur (Funded by: ADB, AFD & EIB) Name of Employer  : Gandharpur Water Treatment SNC (Company) Main Components  : 1. Intake Structure of Bishnondi, Araihazar Upazilla. Water Treatment Plant at Gandharbpur,…

Installation & Commissioning of DN2000 DI Pipeline for Padma (Jashaldia) Water Treatment Plant Project

Investor Name:Dhaka WASA Published Date: 01-01-2019 Location: Tetulzhora, Vhakurta Value: 60 Million USD Employer : Dhaka WASA Consultant: Aridod ABOUT PROJECT Major Components: 1. Construction Staging Areas & Storage Yards 2. Clear Cutting the ROW 3. Excavating the Trench 4. Pipe Transport, Stringing, & Assembly 5. Obstacles: Roads & Streams 6. Testing & Restoration Share: FacebookTwitterGoogle+

Supply of Filter Quartz for Padma Water Treatment Plant Project

Investor Name:Dhaka WASA Published Date: 01-07-2018 Location: Padma (Jashaldia) Value:2 Million BDT Employer : Dahaka WASA Architecture: Aridod ABOUT PROJECT Major Components: Name : Quartz Sand Quantity : About 3400 cubic meter Effective Size : 1.25mm-1.45mm Uniformity Coefficient : < 1.6 Bulk density after compaction : 1.5-1.7 Particle density : 2.4-2.7 Friability : F<5% (at 750…

Pipe Jacking Work of 33KV XLPE Power Cable & Water Pipe Through 2050mm Outer Dia MS Pipe beneth Dhaka Chittagong Double Track Rail Line, Kumira, Chittagong

Investor Name: GPH Ispat Line Published Date: Ongoing Location: Kumira, Chittagong. Value: 55,056,179.00 BDT Employer : GPH Ispat Line Architecture: Aridod ABOUT PROJECT Role of ARIDOD Tech Serve Limited: 1. Making & Sinking of Departure Pit and Receiving Pit. 2. Sand Bed of Sinking Pit. 3. Base Sealing. 4. Steel Reinforecement Work. 5. 2000mm Dia PIPE…

33KV Power Transmission Line From Abdullahpur Substation to Booster Pump Station, Keranigonj

Investor Name: Chinese government Published Date: 25 September 2012 Location: Jashaldia point of Munshiganj Value: 407,000,000 $ Employer : Dhaka WASA and M/S. CAMC Engineering Co. Ltd. Architecture: Aridod ABOUT PROJECT A commercial contract was signed between Dhaka WASA and M/S. CAMC Engineering Co. Ltd. for constructing a 450 MLD capacity surface water treatment plant at Jashaldia…

33KV Power Transmission Line From Mirkadim Substation to Jashaldia Padma Water Treatment Plant

Investor Name: Chinese government Published Date: 25 September 2012 Location: Jashaldia point of Munshiganj Value: 407,000,000 $ Employer : Dhaka WASA and M/S. CAMC Engineering Co. Ltd. Architecture: Aridod ABOUT PROJECT A commercial contract was signed between Dhaka WASA and M/S. CAMC Engineering Co. Ltd. for constructing a 450 MLD capacity surface water treatment plant at Jashaldia…

Captive Power Station Projects

Investor Name: Dhaka WASA Published Date: 2012 Location: Lalbagh Water Works, Dhaka & Goodnail Water Treatment, Plant, Narayangonj Value: 120 Billion BDT Employer : Dhaka WASA Architecture: MAK Consortium ABOUT PROJECT Role of ARIDOD Tech Serve Limited: 1. Import & supply of gas generators 2. Design & construction of generator shed at different pump houses. 3.…

Telecommunication Projects with Banglalink and Citycell

Investor Name: Banglalink & Citycell Published Date: 2014 Value: N/A Employer : Banglalink & Citycell Architecture: ARIDOD ABOUT PROJECT Building construction along with site aquisition, Power connection, Electrification work, Plumbing works and other works of 04 BTS sites Ericsson for Banglalink Project Building construction along with site aquisition, Power connection, Electrification work, Plumbing works and…

Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 1152 KVA Generator to Dhaka Wasa

Investor Name: ENERGYPAC Published Date: 2013 Location: Lalbagh Water Works, Dhaka & Goodnail Water Treatment, Plant, Narayangonj Value: 120 Billion BDT Employer : Dhaka WASA Architecture: MAK Consortium ABOUT PROJECT Role of ARIDOD Tech Serve Limited: 1. Complete Power Plants 2. Complete Automatic Synchronization 3. Grid Synchronization 4. Silencer and Exhaush Flexible Connections 5. Complete Cooling…

Ligiting and other Electrical facilities of Inland Container River Terminal (ICT) at Pangao, BIWTA, Dhaka.

Investor Name: BIWTA & CPA Published Date: 2013 Location: Keraniganj, Dhaka Value: 1.54 Billion BDT Employer : Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) Architecture: MAK Consortium ABOUT PROJECT Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) and the Chittagong Port Authority (CPA) jointly built this inland terminal at a cost of Tk1.54bn. The terminal is expected to play…

Commissioning Led Giant Screen With Score Board (EDB) at Sher-a-Bangla Cricket Stadium, Mirpur.

Investor Name: Bangladesh Government, Dhaka North City Corporation Published Date: December 2015 Location: Mirpur Value: 2.2 Million USD Employer : Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) Architecture: MAK Consortium ABOUT PROJECT Role of ARIDOD Tech Serve Limited: 1. Tri-Vision sight screen. 2. CCTV & PA system of Shere-E-Bangla National Cricket Stadium at Mirpur.” For ICC World Cup 2011…

Beximco and TBEA 200MWP Solar Farm Power Station Project

Investor Name: Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB)` Published Date: December 2022 Location: Gaibandha Value: 386.79 Million USD Employer : Bangladesh Power Development Board(BPDB) Architecture: Aridod ABOUT PROJECT Teesta Solar Limited (TSL), a joint venture of Bangladesh’s Beximco Power Company Ltd and China’s TBEA Xinjiang Sunoasis Co Ltd has signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Power…

Jolshiri Abason Project

Investor Name: Bangladesh Army Location: Rupgonj, Narayanganj Employer : Bangladesh Army Architecture: Aridod ABOUT PROJECT Role of ARIDOD Tech Serve Limited: Design, execution model, specification, Secondery Survey and documentation for 162.67 km water network, 47 No. ProductionTube wells ,138.27 KM sewer line and 10,121 nos Service Connectionfor Jolshiri Abashan project under SWO, WEST , Bangladesh Army.…

Dhaka Elevated Expressway by GPR Scanning.

Investor Name: Bangladesh Army Published Date: November 2014 Location: Dhaka Elevated Expressway Value: 26.8 MBDT Employer : Bangladesh Army Architecture: Aridod ABOUT PROJECT Major Components: 1. Survey of the utility services of Water Lines, Telecommunications, Gas Transmission Lines, Power Cables, Sewerage and Drainage struc-tures. 2. Conducting surface scanning with GPR and related topographic sur-veys as per…

Well Sewage Treatment Plant Project at Dasherkandi, Banasree, Dhaka.

Investor Name: EXIM Bank of China Published Date: November 2014 Location: Dasherkandi, Banasree, Dhaka. Value: 280 Million USD Employer : Dhaka WASA Architecture: Aridod ABOUT PROJECT In November 2014, China Electric Power Construction Group and Bangladesh Dhaka Water Supply and Drainage Board signed a sewage treatment project agreement named the Dasher Kandi Sewage Treatment Plant Project…

Well Field Construction Project at Tatulzhora, Bhakurta.

Investor Name: Korean Government and, Bangladesh Government and Dhaka WASA. Published Date: 30 June 2016 Location: Tetuljhora- Bhakurta Value: Tk 521 Crore Employer : Dhaka WASA, Hyundai Rotem Company (HRC) Architecture: Aridod ABOUT PROJECT Dhaka WASA has inked a deal with Hyundai Rotem Company (HRC) of South Korea to Tetuljhora- Bhakurta Well Field Construction Project at…

Water Treatment Plant Project at Jashaldia, Padma

Investor Name: Chinese government Published Date: 25 September 2012 Location: Jashaldia point of Munshiganj Value: 407,000,000 $ Employer : Dhaka WASA and M/S. CAMC Engineering Co. Ltd. Architecture: Aridod ABOUT PROJECT A commercial contract was signed between Dhaka WASA and M/S. CAMC Engineering Co. Ltd. for constructing a 450 MLD capacity surface water treatment plant at Jashaldia…

Kamalapur Storm Water Pumping Station Project

Investor Name: World Bank Published Date: 21 June 2012 Location: Kamalapur value: 21,000,000 $ Architecture: Aridod ABOUT PROJECT KAMALAPUR STORM WATER PUMPING STATION PROJECT Description Major Components: 1. 3 Nos. 5 cubic meter/sec capacity pumps, motors and inverters.2. Sump construction, bank protection, pump house and internal roads. Role of ARIDOD Tech Serve Limited: Management Consultant & Subcontractor for design…

Rampura Storm Water Pumping Station Project

Investor Name: World Bank. Employer: Dhaka WASA Location: Rampura value: 26 Million USD. Consultant: Aridod ABOUT PROJECT Major Components: 1. 5 Nos. 5 cubic meter/sec capacity pumps, motors and inverters. 2. Sump construction, bank protection, pump house and internal roads. Role of ARIDOD Tech Serve Limited: Management consultant and Sub-contractor for 33 KV Transmission Lines Share: FacebookTwitterGoogle+

We contribute for sustained social development and respond toward customers satisfaction by our engineering skills and reliable proposals.

– Azizul Akil David


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We aim to eliminate the task of dividing your project between different architecture and construction company. We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction.
Creating a sustainable future through building preservation green architecture, and smart design.
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